Phillip Pearson - web + electronics notes

tech notes and web hackery from a new zealander who was vaguely useful on the web back in 2002 (see: python community server, the blogging ecosystem, the new zealand coffee review, the internet topic exchange).


More on detecting links

Trying to understand what this is all about. This graph flow stuff is new to me.

I think the idea is that you treat the web like a wireframe model; if you think of it as a whole lot of marbles (sites), connected by bits of string (links), you should be able to take two sites and pull them away from each other. If the links are elastic enough (and can pass through each other!), all the other sites will rearrange themselves by 'distance' from the two sites.

To figure out how sites are clustered together, you pick one (the 'seed'), then make up an imaginary site (the 'sink') that connects to all the sites in your set, then try to pull the seed and the sink away from each other. Finally you cut the links in the middle somewhere; everything still connected to the seed is considered to be inside its community.

Or maybe not.

We try to work out the 'maximum flow' - if the links are pipes containing water, and each pipe can only carry so much water, we have to try to rearrange things to get the maximum flow from the seed to the sink. One way of doing this is with the max flow min cut algorithm, which says that the maximum flow is equal to the capacity of the smallest bottleneck.

More on this later!
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Dave is back on top

Heh - with the latest batch of additions to the ecosystem, Dave Winer has edged above Glenn Reynolds for the first time since I included Instapundit in the list.

Doc is now the 4th most linked person (as opposed to news site or blogging tool).
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